Sunday, October 08, 2006

Most Memorable Moment of the Day

A few years ago while attending a conference, I heard a speaker by the name of Nancy Coey (check out Nancy's e column ) who gave the suggestion of writing down a single, short sentence each day that is your most memorable moment of the day. I have managed to keep this up for 3 years now and enjoy looking back to remember memories I would have otherwise forgotten, had I not written them down. On many occasions, my husband will ask what my most memorable moment of the day is as I'm writing it down or request to hear about a few of the entries from when we started dating, so we have fun reminising together. To give you an idea, should you want to get started on your own, here are a few of my entries:

January 2, 2004: Walking in the fog at 7PM to the mailbox with Mom and Dad.
April 17, 2005: Looking through photo albums with 3 munchkins (my niece and nephews) on the couch.
February 2, 2006: Napping in between oven timer soundings for cupcakes!

So, I'd encourage you to try this for yourself, to relish those little moments that make your life enjoyable, that write your story! What's been your most memorable moment today?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I like it!!!!! :)