Thursday, June 14, 2012

Flag Day

If we haven't mentioned it, Kale LOVES flags.  I mean LOVES.  Whenever he spots a flag, he loudly announces, "FLAG."  We drove through town today on our way to the library and all the main streets of town had flags a blowin'.  Kale was in flag heaven. 

 When Justin was getting ready to plant the garden, he used flags to map out the rows.  Kale followed close behind to take them out of the ground and relocate them.
 Justin is now trying to decide where to build a sandbox in the backyard.  Several times he has put flags in the ground to give me a visual.  I best be getting out there as soon as they go in so I actually get the visual...before someone snatches the flags.
 On our walks with Cedar, there is a green flag near our property marking the line where tree sap is poured to dimish dust coming onto our yard.  Every time we walk by this flag, we must stop so Kale can touch it and say "hi, flag!"  And if we don't stop by the flag on the way back by, you can bet there are tears of discontent.
Every day while outside the flags get redistributed to another flower bed, the cornfield, or the lawn at least 3 times.  And if the pool is out, that is the perfect landing spot for his precious plastic wavers. We had a play date with friends this week.  I suggested the park we meet at and when we arrived, I just had to shake my head.  There were flags everywhere.  Apparently they were getting ready to put up fencing for a town event coming up.  Needless to say, little time was spent at the playground.  One little 3 foot fellow was more interested guessed it...the flags.  So in honor of flag day, Kale will relocate his flags, again, and have a joyful time doing it.

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