Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Since I've become a parent, I've turned into a crazy person.  Case in point: last week I began backing out of the garage before the garage door was fully up.  Crazy.  Thankfully, my sane husband, upon receiving my phone call, paused at the news and then laughed.  Yes, I'm confident he knows I'm crazy.

At least ten times a day I ask Kale not to yell in the house.  Then, at a moments' weakness when I am feeling so frustrated and tired after a long day, I find myself yelling.  At Kale.  In the house.  Crazy.

Yesterday was one of those long days.  To top it off, I got a cramp of sorts in my leg that would not go away and all I wanted to do was retreat to the bathtub for a long soak.  Got in, good to go.  Dropped my devotional book partially in the water.  Crazy.  Or well, maybe just clumsy.

At our moms group recently, the pastor's wife talked of "Booyeahs."  She watches a few of her grandchildren and after school she asks them for their "booyeahs" of the day; meaning for every "boo" of the day, they have to also give a "yeah."  I'm thinking this is an excellent idea.  So here we go:

BOO: Kale refused to try apple juice and only wanted to take the straw out of the juice box and make a mess as opposed to put it in his mouth.
YEAH: Kale did want to put chalk and tree bark in his mouth while playing outside.  Whereas this should be frustrating, I'm turning it positive that at least he'll put something new in his mouth.  There just might be some hope there.

BOO: Cedar knocked Kale down 3 times while playing outside.  One time was pretty hard but thankfully it was just in the grass.
YEAH: Cedar and Kale are forming a bond that I'm excited to see continue to grow throughout their years together.

BOO: Justin played basketball tonight which means he doesn't get home till later.
YEAH: I'm happy for my husband to have an outlet as he works a stressful job and I know how much it rejuvinates him.  And I like to see him get in a little exercise.  (Lovies, honey!)

Share your own Booyeahs of the day.  You never know.  It just might make you feel a little less crazy.


Jill said...

I love this post! It is so honest and real! Also, I can't list just one Booyeah because I have three kids and would need about 3 times that many for one day!

shane and jackee said...

What a great post! You have such a great attitude about the "crazies" of motherhood! I can relate to feeling 'crazy' at times! Love the idea of "Booyeahs"...great for us to reflect and to get our kiddo's reflection. Thanks for sharing! :)

Abby said...

Love the post, Deed! I could relate to so much of it! I love the idea of the "Booyeahs". Always good to check the attitude and find something to be grateful for. I need that! :) Thanks for sharing!