Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Your Best Life Now

I'm (D) currently reading a book by Joel Osteen titled, "Your Best Life Now." Recently, I finished chapter 4 where Joel talked about breaking the barriers of the past and specifically "strongholds." As he explains, "You will never go beyond the barriers in your own mind. If you think you can't do something, then you never will. The battle is in your mind. If you are defeated in your mind, you've already lost the battle. If you don't think your dreams will ever come to pass, they never will. If you don't think you have what it takes to rise up and set that new standard, it's not going to happen. The barrier is in your mind." Joel goes on to explain that God desires for us to have joy, peace and happiness, but we also must do our part to start expecting good things. Essentially, if we change our thinking, God can change our life.
Further, "God is just. He knows when people aren't treating us right. He knows when we're doing the right thing, yet the wrong thing keeps happening to us...God sees every time you've been taken advantage of."
This chapter really struck me as I started to acknowledge the strongholds I have in my own life. I can have "stinkin' thinkin" and dwell on things of the past or worry about things I have no control over. It is my desire to change my thinking and instead, expect great things to come; to expect great things of God.
What are your strongholds?

1 comment:

little mama said...

That sounds like a great book that I need to take the time to read. One of my strongholds is perfectionism, but it really only applies to my mothering :) Sometimes I think if I can't do something the 'best' way, then I have failed. Like if I let the kids watch extra TV because I am too tired to play with them, or if I can't sit down and properly go over how to write the ABC's with Ava, then I shouldn't do it at all. Sounds ridiculous, I know! But you're right...it's a barrier I've put up in my mind that I always struggle with, comparing myself and my mothering skills to others. I will think of that every morning, "Change my thinking so God can change my life!" Excellent, just what I needed to hear, D!