Friday, December 21, 2012

Our Little Family Christmas 2012

We celebrated our little family Christmas Eve last night with a homemade pizza (a meal the three of us can actually eat together and enjoy) picnic on the living room floor.

 After putting Kale to bed, Justin and I enjoyed the movie "Christmas Vacation".  "Why's the carpet wet, Todd?"  "I don't know, Margo!"  "That there's an RV!"  "I gotta eat so I can take my back pill!"  Okay...I'm done with the movie quotes!  HA!
This morning we celebrated Christmas.  We greeted Kale in his room with our "sparkle box".  We learned about a sparkle box in a book we read from the library.  We filled it with gifts for Jesus...slips of paper noting things we did throughout the Christmas season that showed love and service to others.
 Kale was anxious to see the slips and he joyfully said "It's Jesus' birthday!"  Well, we are a few days off but he gets the idea.
The favorite gift of Kale was none other than a toy guitar I'd found at a second hand store for $6.50.  He has been asking for a "guitar with strings" for Christmas.  For those of you who don't know Kale well, he loves all things music including guitars, drums, and microphones.  The boy was so excited to see it under the tree and had a hard time putting it down all day.  In fact, he cried tonight when we told him he couldn't have it in his room with him.  We assured him the guitar needed rest and would rest on the toy porch downstairs.
 Notice how he puts his knee out and foot up to "prop the guitar up."  Not sure where he's seen that but he's always done it!

 The mass you see below him is a new puppy.  I was asking Kale what he wanted to name his new puppy.  I explained that just like Cedar is a puppy/dog and has the name Cedar, his new puppy needed a name.  He thought for just a moment and then said "Joseph."  Guess that's fitting for this time of year!  (We did let Kale take Joseph to bed!)
And for your viewing pleasure, the first of many music videos (we are sure) by our little musician.
Looking forward to more Christmas fun with our families in the coming days!


Anonymous said...

we watched the same movie last is funny!
thanks for keeping up your blog Deedra, love reading it and keeping updated about the family! Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your Christmas with us. Can't wait to see you! Give Kale a big hug from us!