Sunday, April 25, 2010

33 Weeks

Pregnancy updates: Hip is now pain free! Done with physical therapy but continuing to do exercises on my own at home. Heartburn is much more of an issue now. I'd never had it before but can better empathize with Justin who has it frequently. We should own stock in Rolaids. Doctor says I'm still measuring "right on." Up at least twice a night and when I wake, my knees and lower legs ache making it hard to fall back to sleep. We've completed "Infant/Child CPR" and "Baby Basics" classes. Lamaze is this coming weekend. Pray that these two weak stomachs make it through the videos!


Paul, Abby, and Jillian Hovey said...

So glad to hear the hip pain has gone away! You continue to look great, Deed! I'm glad you're taking all those classes...Paul and I found all of them to be helpful!

Angie said...

I ate so many tums with Grace I had a habit of eating chalky candy after she was born, gross!